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Posts Tagged ‘Wallet’

Share Airline Boarding Passes Using Wallet and AirDrop

It’s common for one person in a family to handle booking airline tickets and thus to be in charge of checking in for the flight online and downloading boarding passes. If that’s you, what’s the best way to send each ...

How to Split Restaurant Checks with Apple Pay Cash

You’re out on the town with all your tech-savvy friends, one of whom picks up the check and says, “Just send me your share via Apple Pay Cash.” Say what? Apple Pay Cash is Apple’s new person-to-person payment service, designed ...

Apple Pay Updates Your Credit Card Expiration Date and Other Details Automatically

File this as another reason why Apple Pay is better than plastic. Let’s say your credit card expires and your bank sends you a new card with an updated expiration date. Or perhaps your bank replaces your card with one ...


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